Often people seek counselling to learn to manage stress and develop coping strategies, make important life decisions, understand and change behaviour patterns, and work on goals. Counselling can also help with mental health and addictions issues.

Relationship is key to any counselling experience and I invite you to book an initial consultation with me to see if working together feels right for you. I focus on gaining insight into life’s challenges and building on your own strengths to develop solutions that make sense in the context of your life.

Counselling can bring up difficult thoughts and emotions. By working with them in a safe and effective way, we open ourselves to greater meaning, freedom, and choice in our everyday lives.

Please explore my specialized services for more information on addictive behaviours, Jungian oriented psychotherapy, and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for anxiety and depression. I see clients of all ages and identities and have specific training to work with youth and young adults